
Phone Interview 17 Jan 2018

Goolge面经集锦 - 淘帖

Goolge面经集锦 2

Posts Posted By Leetcode Done Comments
1.6 google ecat87 206, 92 Y easy~
google电面 Jameson 399 Y can use HashSet to mark visited; can use Map to Map to represent graph.
狗家电面,求大米 酱油豆 308 Y Binary Index Tree is easier to implement. If input corner is not guaranteed to be upper left and bottom right, we can derive: upper left = (min(row1, row2), min(col1, col2))
Google 电面 wadephz isAnagram Y easy, count & subtract frequency map
狗家电面 fail,顺便问问第二题怎么做 sunnyroom 394, 471 Y DP, the difficult part is the string i to j can be encoded completely, and the encoded part might be further compressed.
本命年感恩节前挂经 nsbdsxh 676 Y Trie tree time complexity O(kn), k is the len of the search word.
刚刚结束的狗家实习电话面试 V提提裤子V 329 Y First question find key words using trie tree. Using word string instead of character as trie tree key.

Interesting Questions:


1.add one to integer list
例如 [2, 0, 1, 5] -> [2, 0 , 1, 6]
[2, 0, 1, 9] -> [2, 0 , 2, 0]

记得处理corner case [9, 9, 9]

给你一个list of list [[Hello, Hi], [world, girl, boy]]
Hello world
Hello girl
Hello boy
Hi world
Hi girl
Hi boy

Ans: increase the index of each inner list same as in Q1.


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