Design Patterns

Builder Pattern

Pros: increase usability and readability. Another advantage of the Builder approach is the ability to acquire an object in a single statement and state without the object in multiple states problem presented by using "set" methods. It is important in a multi-core world.

Cons: number of lines of code increases.

public final class Address
   private final StreetAddress streetAddress;
   private final City city;
   private final State state;

   //make the constructor of Address private will force people to use ClassBuilder
   private Address(final StreetAddress newStreetAddress, final City newCity, final State newState)
      this.streetAddress = newStreetAddress; = newCity;
      this.state = newState;

   public StreetAddress getStreetAddress()
      return this.streetAddress;

   public City getCity()

   public State getState()
      return this.state;

   public String toString()
      return this.streetAddress + ", " + + ", " + this.state;

   //this have to be public inner class to allow people to call it for building the class
   public static class AddressBuilder
      private StreetAddress nestedStreetAddress;
      private final City nestedCity;
      private final State nestedState;

      public AddressBuilder(final City newCity, final State newState)
         this.nestedCity = newCity;
         this.nestedState = newState;

      public AddressBuilder streetAddress(final StreetAddress newStreetAddress)
         this.nestedStreetAddress = newStreetAddress;
         return this;

      public Address createAddress()
         return new Address(nestedStreetAddress, nestedCity, nestedState);

new Address.AddressBuilder(
      new City("Hazzard"), State.GA).createAddress())

Static Factory Constructor

  1. One advantage of static factory methods is that, unlike constructors, they have names.

  2. A second advantage of static factory methods is that, unlike constructors, they are not required to create a new object each time they’re invoked.

RandomIntGenerator.between(10,20) instead of new RandomIntGenerator(10,20)


//Notice the private inner static class that contains the instance of the singleton class.
//When the singleton class is loaded, SingletonHelper class is not loaded into memory
//and only when someone calls the getInstance method, this class gets loaded and creates the Singleton class instance.

//Calling getInstance() references the inner class, triggering the JVM to load & initialize it.
//This is thread-safe, since classloading uses locks.
//For subsequent calls, the JVM resolves our already-loaded inner class & returns the existing singleton.  Thus — a cache.
//And thanks to the magic of JVM optimizations, a very very efficient one.
class SingletonInnerStatic {
    private SingletonInnerStatic(){}

    private static class SingletonHelper {
        private static final SingletonInnerStatic INSTANCE = new SingletonInnerStatic();

    public static SingletonInnerStatic getInstance(){
        return SingletonHelper.INSTANCE;

Pipeline Pattern

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